Keep Those Winter Blues Under Wraps

Keeping cheerful in the depths of a cold and wintery day can sometimes be a challenge, even for the sturdiest of us.  I always find that a brisk walk round the lakes at my local country park is a truly exhiliarating exercise and works wonders for the brain, body and skin.  I have a short, well practiced routine for body and mind in preparation, including a couple of bursts of a favourite scent – amazing how effective that is for lifting the spirit when you’re beetling round a lake!  Walking more briskly than an amble but not quite tearing off at racing speed that makes every part of you tingle.  Certain precautions need to be put in place first.  Sturdy walking boots or good flat shoes to avoid ankle damage are essential.  Dressing with light warm layers, and plenty of extra moisturising action night and day for the body, but especially the throat and face and don’t forget a spray of fragrance!